Monday, February 20, 2017


            The health benefits of cloves have been well known for centuries. Cloves have been used as a medicine in China since 600 AD. Clove is antioxidant, have germicidal, antibacterial, anti fungal, antiviral, and antiseptic properties. Cloves are an excellent source of dietary fiber, vitamin K, C and omega-3 fatty acids, it is also a very good source of calcium, manganese and magnesium. Cloves also have a significant amount of  carbohydrates, phosphorus, potassium, protein, iron, sodium and hydrochloric acid. Clove also contain flavonoids, anthocyanins, and quercetin which contribute to clove's anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties that are powerful protection preventing various diseases.
            Clove boost the immune system by purifying the blood and help to fight against heart disease, diabetes, Alzheimer and cancer. Researchers found that clove extract stop the growth of many types of cancers such as colon cancer, ovarian cancer, breast cancer, and liver cancer. 
            Clove helps fight infections such as fungal infection, rheumatism, arthritis pain and digestive problems such as stomach ulcers, flatulence, loose stools, indigestion, nausea, diarrhea, gastric irritability, and vomiting. Clove also has analgesic properties that can help relieve tooth aches, cuts, burns, bruises, and pain in athletes's foot. It can also boost memory and blood circulation.
            Clove oil, when is inhaled, can help relieve certain respiratory conditions like coughs, colds, flu, asthma, bronchitis and sinusitis.


I add small amount (around 6) of cloves to my smoothies.  
I also pour small amounts of cloves into boiling water and allow then to sleep around 25 min. After, I drink the tea hot or cold. To give more flavor I add an other types of herbs together with the cloves. 

Monday, February 6, 2017


            Cayenne pepper, red pepper, and red hot chili pepper refer to the same product. 
Cayenne pepper has anti-allergen, anti-fungal, anti-bacterial, and anti-irritant properties. 
Cayenne pepper is high in vitamins A, B complex, C, calcium, and potassium.It contains capsaicin which is the active compound that gives the sensation of fire, warms the body and stimulates the release of mucus from the respiratory passages as it clears the sinus and causes sweating. Cayenne pepper improves urinary tract health and circulation, helps relief colds, flu, indigestion and destroy parasites. Cayenne pepper can stop a heart attack and is useful for weight loss, can rebuild the tissue in the guts wall to improve digestion and the action in the intestines. Also, acts as a catalyst and increases the effectiveness of the herbs.  
             Cayenne and other hot pepper with capsaicin may help to maintain insulin levels, lower blood glucose levels and heal breast cancer, lung cancer, liver cancer, pancreatic cancer, prostate cancer, and leukemia. 


I chop cayenne pepper to saute with vegetables, chicken and fish.   

Cayenne pepper sauces are very tasteful in special with Mexican food. 

Tuesday, January 24, 2017


             In the past few years, Chia seeds became recognized as a super-food for having incredible nutritional properties and energy boosting power that can have important benefits for the body and brain. Chia seeds are usually organic, gluten free and are non-GMO (genetically modified organism).

            Chia seeds are loaded with antioxidants and are one of the best sources of fiber in the world. Chia seeds are high in quality protein, omega 3 fatty acids, and mineral such as calcium, phosphorus, and magnesium. High in fiber, friendly bacteria and low in calories, the seeds could help reduce the appetite and lose weight. High in minerals, Chia can also lower the risk of type 2 diabetes, heart disease, and bone diseases. High in antioxidants Chia seeds can promote healthy skin and reduce signs of aging. 
            Chia seeds are one of the most powerful anti-breast cancer foods because contain an anti-estrogen compound called Lignans. Lignans weak and reduce estrogenic activity or block the actions of estrogen in the body, reducing the risk of hormone-related cancers and inhibit cell growth in breast tumors. 
I add two teaspoons of chia seeds to my smoothies. I also eat 2 or 3 Chia Energy Bites regularly during breakfast or as a snack before going to the gym. 

Tuesday, January 17, 2017


            The celery plant is mostly water, low in calories and super rich in vitamins and minerals such as A, C, K, folate, molybdenum, potassium, sodium, fiber, and other healthy components that lower cholesterol and blood pressure. Celery has diuretic and cleansing properties, improving kidney function and prevent constipation wich eliminate toxins within the body and prevent the formation of kidney stones. 
            Celery was used to treats nervous disorders like insomnia and anxiety, it also repels cancer cells balancing the ph levels wich reduce the body's acidity and inflammation. Celery has been shown to have antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, antifungal, and antimicrobial properties.
            Also, have been found that celery contains luteolin and a flavonoid called apigenin, compounds that fight cancer and has anti-tumor properties inducing apoptosis (programmed cell death). Studies have shown that celery is extremely effective at killing prostate cancer, pancreatic cancer, breast cancer, lung cancer, ovarian cancer, colorectal cancer, liver cancer and stomach cancer cells. 


I add chopped celery to soups and I add stalks of celery to my daily smoothies. Because they are high in pesticides I submerge the celery in water and apple cider vinegar before consuming.  

Tuesday, January 10, 2017


            Cinnamon was used as an herbal medicine since biblical times. It was used mostly to heal common cold, stress, indigestion, stomach ulcers and arthritis.  
            This spice is an excellent source of vitamin A, pyridoxine, pantothenic acid, calcium, magnesium, manganese, zinc, iron, and potassium. Potassium helps control blood pressure, and heart rates. Cinnamon sticks are anticoagulant, prevent stroke and coronary artery diseases. 
            Laboratory studies have shown that cinnamon has antiseptic, antimicrobial, antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, antidiabetic, and antiflatulent. It also reduces blood glucose and cholesterol levels. 
            Cinnamon is considered the world's most powerful antioxidant spice as it is a very good source of flavonoid phenolic that has very strong antioxidant properties. The spice also contains an essential oil called eugenol that has local anesthetic and antiseptic properties employed in dental and gum treatments. Eugenol also reduces blood sugar levels. The principles compounds in this spice increase the gastrointestinal enzyme secretions helping the mobility of the intestinal tract.
           Cinnamon has anti-tumor abilities and could inhibit the progression of melanoma and cervical cells. The combination of cinnamon and honey is well known for the healing properties that could help cure many diseases including cancer.  

WARNING: Large amounts of cinnamon can cause difficulty breathing, depression, sleepiness, convulsions, gum swelling, inflammation of taste buds, mouth ulcers and dilate blood vessels.

 Those who are requiring surgery, are pregnant, breastfeeding or diabetic must avoid cinnamon. The presence of coumarin in Cassia cinnamon could interact with blood thinning medications  
I use cinnamon in powder to give sweet aroma and flavor to my daily coffee. 
I add 1 stick of cinnamon to my cup of tea or coffee.   


Tuesday, January 3, 2017


            Beetroot contains unique phytonutrients called betalains that give a purplish red color to this plant. These compounds are antioxidants and anti-inflammatory that help fight many diseases. 
The top greens leaves have also been used to lower the cholesterol and protect the body from coronary artery disease and stroke.   
            Raw beets alkaline the body, efficient in fighting acidosis, it is anti-aging and an excellent source of folates that are necessary for DNA synthesis with the cells. 
Beetroot has vitamin A, B-complex such as (B-3, B-5, B-6), vitamin C, beta-cyanine, fiber, phosphorous, potassium, selenium, zinc, manganese, iron, magnesium, and copper.
Beet juice help maintains digestive system health, enhance athletic performance, lower blood pressure and may help maintain a healthy weight. It detoxifies the body, it is highly nutritious and rich in anti-cancer chemicals that fight leukemia, lung cancer, prostate cancer, breast cancer and tumors of the intestine, genitals, rectum, head, and leg.
Beetroots detox the liver helping remove the bad estrogens from the body. 
WARNING: Over consumption of beetroot could overload the kidney and liver. People with kidney or liver problems should be careful about raw beet juice.
It is recommended to drink beetroot juice mixed with other vegetables.or fruits. 
I add raw beetroot and green leaves to my daily smoothie. 

            Beets are aphrodisiac as contain high amounts of boron which is directly related to the production of sex hormones. It also boosts stamina balancing the hormones.

Tuesday, December 27, 2016


             Brazil nuts are quickly becoming one of the hottest foods for improving health, longevity, and sexual performance. It is a healthy food that can successfully reduce the chance of many conditions. 
             Brazil nuts provide with phosphorus, magnesium, copper, manganese and selenium. Selenium is a mineral that has mood boosting properties that can help reduce anxiety, fatigue, and depression. Selenium’s antioxidant properties decrease the aging of the skin. Studies are showing that selenium fights inflammation and also fortifies the immune system to protect against bacterial infection, viral infection and cancer: "the higher the selenium, the lower the rates of breast cancer". Brazil nuts contain ellagic acid, a compound that blocks enzymes that are necessary for the growth of cancer cells. They also contain vitamin E, a powerful antioxidant that helps prevent cancer, heart disease, strokes, cataracts, and possibly some of the signs of aging. Additionally, brazil nuts are a good source of thiamine (formerly known as vitamin B1) that is involved in many body functions such as nervous system function, muscle function, digestive system function, and carbohydrate metabolism. The high levels of protein and fiber content in these nuts help to control hunger and thereby losing weight.                        
             Brazil nuts are a very rich source of omega-6 fatty acids that can lower the risk of cardiovascular diseases, lower the level of cholesterol, and thereby reduce the risk of heart attacks and strokes. Brazil nuts contain a high level of zinc and hence can be helpful for anyone having a zinc deficiency or a health condition for zinc deficiency such as Acrodermatitis enteropathica.  
WARNING: Too much selenium, can be toxic. Half a dozen of Brazil Nuts contains around 800 micrograms of selenium.The tolerable upper limit for adults has been set at 400 micrograms per day  Eat up to 3 Brazil nuts a day to avoid the selenium poisoning and no more than three or four times a week.   


I eat raw Brazil nuts as a snack. I also combine Brazilian nuts with cabbage, kale, collard greens or any other  source of sulforaphane because the combination of this two cancer fighters (selenium and sulforaphane) makes then 13 times more powerful than each one alone.